Sales of Gas condensate

White oil (gas condensate) is a multicomponent mixture of liquid hydrocarbons (methane, aromatic, naphtha), released as a by-product in the development of oil, gas, gas condensate fields. It is a liquid of a transparent structure of yellowish-brown or straw color, which is used to produce diesel, boiler, jet fuel and high-quality gasolines. The composition, operational and physico-chemical characteristics are distinguished by stable and unstable types of HA. Stable condensates are obtained by separation / degassing of raw materials or by rectification (separation at reduced temperatures). In this form, the product can be transported through a gas pipeline.

Types of products

Gas condensates are a raw material for further deep processing and production of various synthetic materials by chemical treatment (synthesis of olefins). They are used as fuel for tractors, cars, stationary installations with multi-fuel engines in places of gas and oil production. In composition they are divided into:

  • Heavy (similar in characteristics to the Arctic diesel fuel);
  • Average. They are obtained by rectification of a stable HA. By properties close to diesel fuel of winter brands;
  • Lungs. They have a lower pour point and a flare point than that of the DT. They are used in stationary boiler-houses, technological installations.
  • The sulfur content is also distinguished by:

  • Low-sulfur or sulfur-free
  • Sulphurous
  • High-sulfur
  • A peculiarity of the HA is that one ton of condensate replaces 1.5-2 tons of oil in the production of motor fuels and 5-7 tons with a chemical process of processing. The gasolines obtained from them have low detonation resistance. Under the condition of preliminary dewaxing, gas condensates can be used for the production of winter diesel fuel..

    Basic properties of gas condensate

    Specific properties of the HA approach it to light oil products obtained during the processing of oil. They contain no tar and asphaltenes, butane-methane fractions are contained in a large amount, due to which the product is characterized by high pressure, which is used to facilitate the pumping of natural gas from the earth's interior.

    This oil is also added to gasoline as a high-octane additive in order to improve the basic characteristics. Properties of HA determine the quantitative ratio of individual components. Gas condensates are characterized by:

  • High coefficient of volumetric expansion (explosion hazard);
  • low compressibility;
  • decrease in density with increasing temperature;
  • the formation of paraffin deposits with a decrease in temperature.
  • Gas condensate from Oil Resources company

    The group of companies Oil Resources offers a wide range of high-quality petroleum products of domestic production. We supply the factory gas condensate, which meets the requirements of GOST R 54389-2011 according to the specifications. The product we sell is produced at processing plants located in Vladimir, Elektrostal and St. Petersburg, using modern equipment.

    Physical and chemical properties of gas condensate

    The distillate of gas condensate offered by our company has in its composition gasoline fractions up to 85% of the total volume, as well as a quantity of kerosene and other high-boiling components. The main technical characteristics of the composition:

  • Specific density - from 0,725 to 0,805 kg / dm3.
  • The saturated vapor pressure is up to 38.0 kPa at a standard of 66.7 kPa.
  • The concentration of chloride salts is 1.9 mg / dm3 with an allowable 300 mg / dm3.
  • The mass fraction of hydrogen sulfide does not exceed 20 ppm (ppm).
  • The total content of ethyl- and methyl mercaptans is not more than 40 ppm (ppm).
  • The Oil Resources, which is being implemented, exceeds the parameters established by the current standard, in particular, it does not contain water and mechanical impurities. The quality, properties and characteristics of the distillate are regularly checked by independent laboratories. For each consignment, a passport is issued with the results of the control performed in accordance with the applicable standards.

    Oil Resources

    The Oil Resources is one of the largest trading company, reliable and proven supplier of fuel and lubricants in the Azerbaijan market and abroad. We offer an expanded list of services for the extraction, processing, delivery, transshipment of oil products

    Contact Us

    2011 AZ1000, Baku, 44 Neftchilar. Azerbaijan +7 (495) 2088457